Unveiling Metacommerce’s Newest Product

Last Updated:
August 25, 2022
Metacommerce Product Announcement Feature Image

It's time to introduce our latest product to empower web3 creators and their communities. The Metacommerce Owner Relationship Management platform.

Unveiling Metacommerce’s newest product

Metacommerce has been building tools for NFT creators for the last 8 months, and what we have learned along the way has brought us to a novel breakthrough, and an important product discovery.

It’s story time.

Our first product was the Metacommerce studio that we launched in October 2021. The platform enabled creators to build layer-based generative collections, create allowlists, smart-contracts and minting dApps - everything they needed to drop their project without writing a single line of code.( Curious? Connect your wallet and try it for yourself.)

TLDR: we saw great success with creators. From noobs and hobbyists, to experienced NFT creators. Many artists sold out collections overnight and made life-changing amounts of money in the process.

It was these creators’ successes, and what came next, that allowed us to learn. 

So, your first drop has sold out. What comes next?

Community. That’s what.

You end up with an eager community of new owners, expecting something from you. Their experience has a huge impact on the success of the project. And what makes a good community? An engaged Discord, tokengated access to online spaces and experiences, exclusive merch-drops, airdrops. The list goes on.

Simple, right? Wrong. 

Good community management is an expensive and dev-intensive process. It’s a total pain in the backside that takes a team of patient and committed degens. That was our learning. 

  • Want to airdrop an NFT to your community to reward them for their loyalty?
    Hello, enormous gas fees.
  • Appointing OG holders to Discord roles based on what’s in their wallet?
    Hi there, enormous pain in the ass for your moderator or unreliable bot.
  • Want to split your owners into cohorts based on the tokens they hold and how long they have held them?
    You better be an SQL goddess who loves all nighters.

Simply understanding who your owners are is a mind-bendingly complex job.

If you want to build more advanced experiences, you have to run one-off snapshots of wallet addresses to get a picture of holders at a given moment in time. You have no way of understanding who owns NFTs from my collection in real time.

We listened to Metacommerce’s customers and have been heads-down working on a solution to their problem. 

It’s time to unveil the ORM.

The what? ORM stands for Owner Relationship Management. You’ve heard of CRMs, used by web2 companies to manage their customer experience. Well the ORM is that, but it’s web3 native and designed specifically for NFT creators and decentralized brands.

Let’s take a look at what the ORM allows you to do.

1. Sync your contracts

Upon joining the ORM, the first thing you'll be asked for is to sync the contracts that you've deployed, and then the magic starts.

Metacommerce will pull all of the owner data from those contracts.

Once you’ve confirmed that it’s the right contract, this information will be synced and you will gain access to a collection dashboard. This serves as a high level picture of how your collection's doing at any given time.

2. Get real-time insights 

From a sales perspective, the Metacommerce ORM provides you with unique insights around specific owner groups and owners. This includes things like sales numbers as well as social data.

The amazing thing about this dashboard is that it enables users to sync multiple contracts.

About different collections

This is because there are more and more brands that have multiple contracts representing different product lines, each of which may have different owners.

Our dashboard gives a holistic view of how the overall business is doing, all in one place- no need to pull in data from multiple sources.

About owners

Once you’ve synced your owners, you can access a relationship management dashboard for these wallet holders.

This view provides a real-time view of all the on-chain data about their wallet history. This includes:

  • how many NFTs they have in wallet
  • how many transactions they performed
  • how much ETH they have 
  • their first purchase
  • their last purchase and correlation tier, uh, collection.

3. Connect off-chain and on-chain owner data

In addition to the on-chain data, the Metacommerce platform also enables you to use allowlists, which we see as web3 enabled forms, to start tying off-chain data, to on-chain data. This includes social information, so that you can get a more holistic perspective on who your owners are within a specific collection at any given time.

This data enables you to take more steps towards highly personalized, top-tier experiences and more advanced tokengated commerce experiences that you may be considering.

5. Segment your owners

The platform enables the contract owners to filter and create owner cohorts based on the data pulled into the dashboard. 

Whether you want to filter for wallet properties, for example if you wanted to run a collaboration with another collection, you could select owners who hold your NFT as well as an NFT from the collection you are collaborating with.

You can also segment audiences based on activity properties, for example they may have held your NFT for the past six months or they might have made a purchase in the past 30 days. 

You can use these cohorts to power more advanced NFT experiences and campaigns.

6. Run Web3 Marketing Campaigns

So once we've created an owner cohort and we've saved that you'd be able to see your respective owner cohorts here, and you'd be able to use those owner cohorts for campaigns.

So within the campaign section, we have a number of base ones like our LAIs, which enable you to gauge interest in your initial mint, as well as gate the mint.

7. Build allowlists

As mentioned earlier, these allow lists allow you to easily connect on-chain and off-chain data, as well as giving owners pre-sale mint spots.

8. Run NFT mints

If you want to run additional mints, these are available via our NFT minting solutions, which are available in the Metacommerce Studio. 

9. Deploy NFT Airdrops

The airdrop solution that we have developed leverages some Phantom Minting, initially developed by Chance, to massively reduce the cost of ETH-based airdrops for larger collections. Read more about how this works here [link to Airdrop article]

How to Run An NFT Airdrop

So what does this look like in practice? 

Create a new airdrop and give it a name. 

Select owners from your owner cohorts.

Select NFT media from your studio.

Draft and deploy the airdrop contract

And then you simply send your airdrop

Finally, track airdrop performance post drop via your dashboard

And soon… automate processes

In addition to all this, we are building out automation solutions to take the next step in personalization and NFT experiences. 

These automations will be triggered based on cohort requirements, for example if people hit certain owner cohort criteria, and we want to trigger an order flow for items from a shop or assign a specific Discord role in the community. You will be able to manage these automation via the Metacommerce platform.

This is just what I need…how do I get access?

Beta access to this ORM platform will be released in mid-August, and if you want to get a slice of the action, sign up here.