Our Mission

We exist to help anyone earn a living from their audience.

At Metacommerce, our mission is clear: to empower anyone, anywhere with the tools they need to grow their audience and monetize their passions.

It's 2024, attention is the new oil, and creators are uniquely positioned to capture the value.

Over the past decade we've witnessed a major shift in the online landscape.

Platform changes from Apple, Meta, and TikTok, the rise of A.I, questionable marketing tactics from corporate brands, and a growing distrust in outdated systems have all led the next generation to seek out alternative career paths – and channels to learn from.

Creators have become a new source of inspiration.

Whether you're watching your favorite YouTuber, reading your weekly marketing newsletter, attending a local meet-up, or scrolling through Instagram, creators are providing education, entertainment, and product recommendations that capture our attention and influence our buying decisions.

So it's totally understandable more people want to jump in on the opportunity and pursue a life focused on their passions.

And frankly it's for the better – this surge in the creator economy has given rise to a whole new class of entrepreneurs and business owners!

There's one *small* problem though....

Building an audience and being a creator isn't easy.

Beyond the challenges most creators already face getting started, most marketing tools have failed to innovate for a digital and mobile-first, multi-channel world.

It's a tough situation.

Creators are left juggling multiple tools just to connect with their fans, sell their digital products, and understand what's happening in their business.

It's a lot to handle, even for those with technical expertise.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

That's why we built Metacommerce – to simplify and streamline creators businesses for them, so creators can focus on what they do best, creating.

So what are you waiting for?

Made for Creators
Digital Products Sold
10 Mins
Avg. time to get started

From The Desk of Ryan Watkins
Toronto, ON
May 2024

Hey, I’m Ryan!

I always found it funny that about pages and bios were written in third-person, when they're generally written by the founder.  

So here's a letter directly from me to you.

I grew up knowing I was going to be an entrepreneur and creator.

Pursuing a life filled with passion (and let’s not kid ourselves…lot’s of hard-work).

But while getting started out myself, and after helping a few others scale, I realized just how difficult it was to juggle everything required to grow an audience AND build a businesses.

The tools available to me we’re either expensive, outdated, or required me to connect 5+ apps just to start engaging and monetizing my fans.

It was brutal – and I knew there had to be a better way…

That why I started Metacommerce.

Now, imagine having a tool that helps you engage and monetize your audience effortlessly – that's exactly what Metacommerce is.

It's the sustainable growth suite I wish I had when I was just starting out.

With Metacommerce, all the tedious business stuff is taken care of, so you can save time and focus on what you do best – creating amazing content (or experiences) and connecting with your audience.

We're on a mission to provide the best platform for growing and monetizing your audience.

Our team feels incredibly honored to wake up every day and help you do what you love.

We're passionate about defining how the brands of the future will build and connect with their fans.

Building a business is already hard enough, let Metacommerce make it easier for you.

Give it a try – you never know where it will take you!

Ryan Watkins